在厨房里忙着做这些简单的食谱吧。图片来源:Ben Ashby/ Unsplash




由Shiro厨师长Priyank Chouhan制作的中式巧克力丝绒蛋糕





使用方法:1。在平底锅里,用盐水煮两个新鲜橙子30分钟。将橙子切成两半,去皮,与蓖麻子糖、杏仁粉、鸡蛋和泡打粉一起放入搅拌机中。搅拌至光滑。2.将混合物倒入涂了油的模具中,在180°C或10-12分钟下烘烤,直到插入中心的刀取出来干净。将海绵放在室温下冷却。3.同时,将鲜奶油放入酱锅中煮沸。用抹刀将热奶油和黑巧克力混合成光滑有光泽的甘纳许; when cooled, add whipped cream and lightly fold in the above ganache in parts to make mousse. 4. Pour this mousse over gluten free orange sponge and level evenly. Keep in freezer allowing it to set properly, cut in desired shape and serve with citrus orange glaze garnished with caramelised orange chips. 5. For the orange glaze, bring the orange juice, water, and sugar to a boil and simmer until it reaches a thick syrup-like consistency, and cool. 6. For caramelised orange chips, bring the castor sugar and water to a boil and allow to bubble and caramelise. Add the peeled orange segments to the sugar syrup and coat gently.


橙汁和米粉,Gouri Gupta, Gouris Goodies创始人





甜菜根,橘子,芦笋和柠檬大麦沙拉,Jaydeep Mukherjee, Brand Head, Smoke House Deli







方向1。大麦洗净浸泡。在一个深锅中,加热水或柠檬草,柠檬叶和一个酸橙皮的高汤。一旦开始沸腾,沥干大麦,加入调味高汤煮熟。调整调味料。把煮熟的大麦沥干。淋上一点特级初榨橄榄油,拌上柠檬汁。冷却后放入冰箱,直到你做好沙拉。2.在深锅里加热水。 Once the water begins to boil, add the sugar and stir till it dissolves. Remove from the heat and add the vinegar. Cool the pickling liquid and place in the fridge to chill. Once chilled, add the sliced beetroot in it and leave in the fridge to pickle for a couple of hours. Please note, if the pickling water is not chilled, the beetroot will not become crisp. 3. Blanch the walnut in hot water to peel the skin. Once peeled, roast in a hot oven till dry. While the walnuts are roasting, mix the spices in an air-tight bottle and keep aside. In a non-stick pan, heat a little olive oil, toss the hot walnuts in it and drizzle the spices over—use as much or as little as you like. Toss till evenly coated and the spices have cooked. You will know when it is done from the aroma of the walnuts. 4. In a clean, dry bowl, gently whisk the dijon mustard paste and the balsamic vinegar together. Slowly add the oil into the mix and whisk to form a smooth dressing. Adjust seasoning with salt, crushed black pepper and sugar. 5. Peel the asparagus after trimming it from the hard, woody stalk. Blanch it in plain boiling water for about 10-15 seconds, then place it in cold water. After you take it out from the water, drizzle it with salt and olive oil. You can also grill the asparagus, on a hot non-stick pan post this, if you like. 6. Assemble the salad. Place the salad leaves in a clean bowl, season with salt and pepper and toss lightly with the balsamic vinaigrette. Place in serving bowls. In the same mixing bowl, toss the asparagus, tangerine and the lemon barley with a little dressing—sprinkle it on top of the mixed lettuce. Remove the beetroot from the pickling liquid, gently fold each disc, and arrange it on the salad. Garnish with the spiced walnuts and microgreens. Finish with a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette and a little extra virgin olive oil.




方向1。将黄油和糖搅拌至松软。2.一次加入一个鸡蛋,继续搅拌,直到黄油和糖的混合物有光泽。3.加入杏仁粉、柠檬汁和柠檬皮,用刮刀搅拌均匀。4.最后,加入蓝莓,并将它们折叠,留一些在蛋糕顶部。5.将面糊倒入7英寸的抹油衬里罐中,在蛋糕顶部点缀剩下的蓝莓。 6. Bake at 160 for 30-40 mins or till the top of the cake feels springy on touch. Let it cool completely before de-moulding. 7. Serve at room temperature.


柚子沙拉厨师Ansab Khan,厨师,烹饪业务,缅甸缅甸餐厅和茶室





Sethi Bhasin, Guntas餐厅创始人兼主厨




方向1。把饼干放进袋子里,扎好,用擀面杖擀成细小的碎屑。(你也可以使用食品处理器)。2.将面包屑倒入碗中,加入融化的黄油。3.用勺子把混合物压在一个8英寸的圆形挞盘的底部和侧面。4.冷冻至少30分钟。同时准备柠檬凝乳。 5. Boil water in a pot. 6. In a bowl (which can be placed over the pot of boiling water) whisk all the ingredients of the lemon curd except for the butter. 7. Place the bowl over the pot (this is called a Bain Marie) and keep stirring on medium heat for around 10 minutes or until the curd thickens. (Please ensure that the bowl is not touching the boiling water below directly otherwise the egg will curdle) 8. Remove from heat, add the chilled butter and combine. 9. Stir continuously until cool so that the curd does not form a film on top. 10. Pour the lemon curd into the pie crust and distribute evenly with a spatula. 11. Decorate with lemon slices, blueberries and fresh mint leaves.