
Varun Seth创立的Frozen Music是一家宝石和装饰艺术工作室,其复杂的设计已经远销意大利和墨西哥等地

水晶和石头的治愈功能是众所周知的,这一点在斋浦尔的Frozen Music工作室体现得最为明显。这家工作室专门为世界领先的室内设计师制作岩石工艺品。虽然这个团队的才华已被广泛记录,但迄今为止尚未见过的是它的“石头图书馆”,坐落在斋浦尔玛旁雍泛的一系列仓库中,有许多房间,有大有小。在这里,创始人瓦伦·赛斯精心策划了一组珍贵的原始石板。在一次独家巡演中,帕斯·赛斯解释了隐藏在他父亲创造的地窖中的能量。

“我父亲曾经在斋浦尔的兰巴格宫工作。周围都是大理石和镶嵌作品,大约40年前,他就在那里爱上了宝石艺术。他在那里遇到了一位美国绅士,他买了一根古董大理石柱子,想重新制作。我父亲对他说:‘把它交给我吧,六个月后再来。我会准备好的。这就是他旅程的开始。他骑着自行车去了马卡拉纳和基尚加尔,那里有很多石雕工作,他开始和雕刻师一起工作。这不仅仅是一个浪漫的概念。这些石头有一种力量和魅力吸引着你。最终,他辞掉了自己的工作,全身心地投入到石头以及它们所蕴含的奢华和艺术之中。 The pillar for the American man was completed, of course. Our factory was set up in Jaipur. It was the year 1984. Today, our work ranges from a tiny inlay box to an olympic-size indoor swimming pool made in lapis lazuli for a private residence in Moscow. We collect rocks and gemstones from all over the world—Mookaite from Australia, brilliant rubies from south India, rock crystal from Brazil, malachite from the Congo, and red jasper from central India and Africa. As a child, I used to have a small malachite box to keep coins and trinkets. I was unusually fond of it. Now imagine if you’re living and working with rocks that weigh tonnes, what an overwhelming energy field you’re within. They inspire you, calm you, strengthen you emotionally, heal you; they have an effect on you that I can’t quite explain.”