
探索这些由Design Inc、Ashleys和ACDS设计的沉思式、自然友好型平房,它们将现代与微妙的奢华融合在一起
看看这些宁静的房子。图片提供:Photographix India | Sebastian Zachariah 塞巴斯蒂安·撒迦利亚


相信我们吧,洛纳瓦拉的这栋别墅与众不同。设计公司(Design Inc.)的Khushboo Khandelwal的最新项目与该地区封闭社区中那些严肃、庄严、粉刷成白色的房屋截然不同,它是一个充满活力的色彩组合,藐视所有规则。这个想法很简单:别墅是一个家庭周末度假的地方。“客户是一对带着孩子的年轻夫妇,他们想要一个可以放松的地方,”Khandelwal解释说。“他们想要能和孩子们一起欢笑、玩耍、重获青春。这就是我们的工作简介。”该房产是Lonavala私人社区的一部分,房屋按照标准布局进行结构。有一间可以俯瞰外面草坪的大房间、一间厨房、四间卧室和一间地下室。Design Inc.决定保留厨房和三间卧室的位置。第四个房间配有印花床垫,成为孩子们在家庭聚会时灵活的卧室。 The basement was to become a den, or a multi-purpose game room. The interior walls were painted light grey, to add a sense of depth to the space, but the walnut panelled doors and beige floor tiles were kept as they are. The outdoor dark wood decking was kept as is, with its rough granite edges—all the team did was add a lot of plants for a touch of green. The idea of fun inspired Design Inc to write a poem, which then became the foundation of their interior design. A line of the poem reads, “with a dash of humour and dollops of fun,” and indeed, the villa was transformed into a medley of colours, shapes, artworks and objects that defied all rules of placement and purpose. “We said—give us some space to make mistakes,” Khandelwal says. “As designers, we don’t have a trial and error process. Once we have the concept in mind, and once we manage to find those key pieces, everything else falls into place.”


在马哈拉施特拉邦西高止山脉绵延起伏的群山中,坐落着一座迷人的小房子,看起来像伊妮德·布莱顿书中的东西。这座住宅属于建筑师夫妇Arbaysis和Pooja Ashleys,为创造一个美丽的周末度假提供了完美的画布。“为自己设计可以探索一个人本质的核心。我们都明确地希望室内是朴实和宁静的,同时保持建筑语词的完整,除了在布局上做一些小的改变,以获得更多的空间。我们祖屋的翻新体现了设计风格的微妙转变,同时保留了原始结构的灵魂,”这座3000平方英尺平房的修复业主说。这对夫妻还拥有孟买的建筑公司Ashleys。作为业主和建筑师,这对夫妇清楚地保留了结构的精髓,并简单地增强了现有的特征。他们选择用白色的墙壁、抛光的水泥地板和回收的木材来赋予空间一种朴实的地中海风味。“对我们来说,周末别墅意味着宁静;酒店会在鸟鸣声和优美的景色中唤醒你。 Since the whole bungalow is constructed in basalt stone (that is a predominantly deep grey), we chose to paint the entire structure white, which not only evokes a Mediterranean flavour but also brings in a meditative aura to the whole space. The Mediterranean style of the structure is a blend of earthiness, quietness, and romantic charm,” aver the couple. “The original landscaping of the property has been retained in its raw and undisturbed state; additionally, 200 trees were rooted in the surroundings over the years in order to reconnect the design with nature. The landscape design of the property also accommodates water harvesting, recycling and site-strengthening to strengthen the link with nature.” In their bid to stay local, the material palette consists of basalt stone sourced from the existing site. All the furniture has either been sourced from sustainable Indian brands or has been designed using recycled distressed wood—lending the space its own unique character.


前提是令人生畏的:在Sahyadri山脉上陡峭的悬崖上建造一个度假屋,没有平坦的地形。但对定制设计公司ACDS的幕后策划人尼拉夫·沙阿(Nirav Shah)来说,回报是在洛纳瓦拉为印度1%的富人打造的专属封闭式社区里,能一览无垠、令人惊叹的amby湖美景。这座名为“西湖150号”的度假别墅有5间卧室,是为第三代家庭建造的,他们花了大量的休闲时间招待客人。“我总是在纸上勾勒我的蓝图。我从不使用3D渲染。他们没有留下任何改变的空间。我让空间对我说话,设计显得有机,”Nirav说。Nirav Shah解构了建筑过程,他说:“我知道,在场地上建造只有在结构被抬高到桥墩上时才可行,这意味着我们必须深入核心,以评估基岩是否足够坚固,以承受建筑的重量。”当时他没有预料到的是阿姆比山谷暴雨的强度;大雨导致频繁的内涝,建筑商不得不从头开始,考虑到渗透,确保雨水在房屋周围找到自己的路,而不是在中间! What emerged out of the chaos was a hilltop habitat called 150 Westlake, Lonavala; a simplistic cuboid with tiered terraces. The material palette included sandstone cladding, sandblasted concrete in-situ style tile flooring, with Armani Casa furnishings and art installations from Asia. Even here, Taoist influences prevail: an intricate filigree teak Balinese Tree of Life at the doorway, shocking red Laughing Buddha sculptures and sakura paintings in the master bedroom and quirky Samurai warriors in every hue of the rainbow, mounting a stairway wall. He ensures everything he builds is Vastu compliant. “I intentionally pushed the wet zone: the pool, jacuzzi and barbecue sit-out as close to the waterfront as possible, ensuring all the windows in the living areas overlook the lake. Being a horizontal expanse, I eschewed passages and corridors to avoid giving the design a semblance to a hostel.”