
VastuRaviraj联合创始人Raviraj Ahirrao博士为我们介绍了自习室的理想色调,这些色调可以帮助你的孩子或你更好地集中注意力
坚持这些建议,让你的学习区域成为一个积极的空间。图片来源:twomeows/Getty Images

理想情况下,根据Vastu Shastra规则建造的自习室可以给你的孩子提供急需的促进,使他们在学业上取得好成绩。我们的印度科学为我们生活的各个方面提供解决方案。在学习期间,对孩子(甚至是追求学术的成年人)来说,集中注意力和保持冷静是很重要的。很少有人知道,空间的方向、家具的摆放和墙壁的颜色在提高注意力方面发挥着重要作用。如果你家里有正在求学的孩子或成年人,你可以考虑把这些规则应用到他们的自习室里。

用这些建议帮助你的孩子或即将上大学的孩子更好地学习。图片来源:Westend61/Getty Images


•自习室可以在西南方、西北方向和/或西南方。•理想情况下,学习桌前应该有很多开放空间。这有助于集中注意力。•学习时,面朝东方或北方,因为从这些方向发出的宇宙能量波是有益的。•如今,在许多房子里,学习桌都很小,而且大多靠在墙上。学习桌前有一堵墙可不是什么好事。从墙上伸出的橱柜(和相邻的学习桌)产生的能量场对孩子在学习时的注意力施加压力。这种安排应该避免。•桌子可以靠墙放置,但必须确保墙上没有任何突出的橱柜。•你需要让自习室充满活力、干净、整洁。 It is beneficial to place a plastic, copper or crystal pyramid on the study table along with a photo of any God you believe in. • It is ideal to sit in the South-West and face the North-East while studying. The North-East in the front should be vacant. • Ensure that the back gets solid support. • Do not sit below any beam or protruding cupboard overhead while studying. This could create energy pressure hampering focus and concentration. • A study room in the North-East with a wall in the same direction is extremely beneficial. • If there's a window overlooking a crowded street, it is beneficial to face the North or East as an alternative. • If one is unable to concentrate while sitting in the North-West, change locations. • Facing a direction other than the North-East may involve more effort and lesser success. • Intrinsic defects in the North-East direction, if any, can be rectified using remedial measures.


