Sonali和Manit Rastogi在世界建筑节和迪拜设计周上展示了他们的园艺技能

Sonali和Manit Rastogi在迪拜设计周上展示了他们的园艺技能

如果你看过建筑师拉胡尔·梅赫罗特拉(Rahul Mehrotra)的研究报告《1990年以来的印度建筑》(Architecture in India Since 1990),你会发现90年代的设计过程充满了复杂性。梅赫罗特拉写道,这是一个“以经济自由化和全球化带来的矛盾、魅力和流离失所为标志的关键时期”。

当时建筑师们正在努力解决不同的方法——是依靠本土智慧还是选择未来主义的融合——manit和Sonali Rastogi决定将他们的实践建立在可持续性的基础上,并于1996年成立了Morphogenesis。

通过在迪拜设计周和世界建筑节上的一系列演讲,Morphogenesis的Sonali和Manit Rastogi试图揭穿关于建筑可持续性的神话


IILM校园的形态发生。图片由Jatinder Marwaha提供



“说我们在做合理的设计是一回事,但今天一切都需要科学地衡量。必须‘证明’这种设计是可持续的,”Sonali说。“可持续发展是有利可图的,需要从财务和数学上证明。”这两个人正在通过他们过去和正在进行的项目的例子来突出这些方面,这些项目涵盖了住宅、工作场所、机构等类别。“如果我们要打破某些神话,一个例子不足以证明我们的想法。我们目前项目集群背后的理念可以应用于不同的类型学和气候带,”她说。两人将展示各自项目的环境绩效指数(EPI),以展示每个项目的可持续性措施。“EPI越低越好。以印孚瑟斯在那格浦尔的园区为例,该园区的经济发展指数为25。”“先进的技术决策与被动设计理念相结合。” Then there is India Glycols Ltd Headquarter, along the Greater Noida Expressway, which is a completely west-facing building and has achieved an EPI of 45. Some of the other projects that the duo shall mention in both the talks include the IILM Residential Project in Greater Noida and the Delhi Nullahs—a CSR project, which the team has been working on for eight years now. As of now, the nullahs are unhygienic drains, which breed mosquitoes and infections. However, with natural strategies, these nullahs can turned into a valuable asset for the citizens. Sonali and Manit are looking at the and the WAF Berlin as important platforms for exchange of knowledge where they don't just get to share their ideas but also get to listen to specialists in the fields of environment and social sciences. “We hope to see diverse interpretations of common problems. These events offer the best windows of seeing innovation happening around the world,” says Sonali.