
以下是由Design Experiment、AANDH、CollectiveProject以及Pinky和GV桑杰·雷迪(Sanjay Reddy)设计的一些最鼓舞人心的广告空间


一对年轻夫妇找到Design Experiment的Sarojini Dantapalli和Abhitej Velore,为他们在海德拉巴的公寓设计概念和室内空间。客户希望他们的房子能反映他们的生活方式,并帮助他们顺利地从生活的一个阶段过渡到另一个阶段。Dantapalli说:“这座2368平方英尺的三卧室住宅的设计要求是有一个灵活的空间,客户可以举办社交活动和聚会,同时也为未来的孩子提供空间,并在他们来访时为他们各自的家人提供住宿。”这份简报还包括为他们的金毛猎犬萨莎(Sasha)创造空间。虽然Design Experiment主要负责该项目,但Mani Teja负责可视化和现场处理。现代极简元素一直是设计师的灵感来源。“整个空间被分解成一些纹理或材料。主要的背景元素是一个简单的哑光白色,与温暖和异国情调的桦木一起工作。房子的更多私人区域有混凝土完成的美学。我们在地板上使用了Ideal Work的微型混凝土,并在墙壁上添加了定制的纹理。”Dantapalli解释道。 The material palette and the colours work programmatically, wherein the common spaces exude a tranquil, bright and warm vibe and the bedrooms emanate a more private, cocooned feel that most of us usually crave for at the end of a long day.


总部位于班加罗尔的建筑和设计工作室CollectiveProject为一个雄心勃勃的项目提供了形式——位于城市中心的宁静度假屋。坐落在海得拉巴的岩石上,俯瞰Durgam Cheruvu湖,湖屋是一个由石头、木材和玻璃组成的看似失重的结构。建筑的岩石基座提供了一种罕见的与城市环境分离的感觉。湖屋可以欣赏到湖对面自然保护区的原始景色,另一边是遥远的HiTec city科技园区的城市灯光。“我们从一开始就很清楚,设计应该对地形做出反应,”CollectiveProject的合伙人伊丽莎·希金斯(Eliza Higgins)解释说。“这座城市的自然景观是独特的,巨大的花岗岩岩层正在慢慢被快速的城市发展所破坏。”在Lakehouse房产的案例中,离公路最近的一小部分已经被夷为平地——现在它是一个停车场和一个客房区。“这是有意义的,因为它是我们的锚点,允许场地的其他部分不受干扰,并作为设计中的一个特色而被庆祝。”然而,材料的简约让位于室内干净、舒适的木材和白色油漆。一条玻璃通道从坚固的柚木前门通往木质和白色相间的客厅,两侧各有两个庭院(种植着茂密的植物)。 The windows are framed with wooden portals. The glass panels themselves slide open to give way to a deck that sits over the rocks. However, the austerity of the material gives way to the clean, easy warmth of wood and white paint in the interiors. The true achievement of the project lies in the fact that CollectiveProject chose to embrace its surroundings rather than attempt to reconstruct it. As a result, The Lakehouse is seamlessly immersed within the natural landscape, as a true retreat from urban life—a commendable achievement, considering the property is right in the heart of the city.


在海得拉巴班加拉山最繁忙的街道之一,一扇不起眼的大门通往Pinky和GV桑杰·雷迪(Sanjay Reddy)的家,他们对艺术的热爱和对全球标准的承诺,也体现在他的公司设计的孟买贾特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉国际机场(Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport) 2号航站楼的方式上。这对英俊的夫妇四年前搬进了这座房子,他们花了很多年来建造它。他们豪华宁静的家占地两英亩,是印度建筑的一个令人惊叹的例子。正如桑杰所说,“它无疑是带有现代、全球影响的印度风格。桑杰说:“传统上,印度艺术和建筑从未分开。”举个例子,他让人们注意到安装在宏伟入口大厅的巨大墙板——上面有庄严的大象在向客人宣告。在同一间大厅里,他指着雕刻的木质天花板。它高近30英尺,是喀拉拉邦Sree Padmanabhaswamy寺庙的复制品,使用了联锁技术而不是钉子。即使是石头雕刻的“yaalis”(印度神话中的龙字形),作为凉棚外的柱子,也是两种学科混合的一个例子。从一个房间到另一个房间,你会体验到各种各样的美。 As Sanjay says, “There are homes that are beautiful and intimidating, but this, hopefully isn't. This tries to engage because the art and architecture are relatable. Our guests feel connected.” The heritage Indian art collection on display is a testimony to their 26-year-old marriage. “He was 21 when he drew the house on a piece of paper. He had been buying art, cataloguing and storing it for so many years because we had no place in the old house,” says Pinky, of her spouse's fascination for art, which he inherited from his mother, G Indira Krishna Reddy. “To have a Mughal miniature from the 17th century, which was part of the royal collection—just to know that [Emperor] Akbar would have held it in his hands—completely blows my mind. Can you imagine it?” Sanjay asks animatedly.


一对夫妇带着他们的两个孩子和一只宠物狗住在海得拉巴一栋1万平方英尺的房子里,房子名叫Ekta Prime。该住宅由Aamir & Hameeda室内设计师(AANDH)设计,位于城市的金融区。为了创造室内室外的吸引力,房子充满了绿色植物。Ekta Prime的焦点是连接三层楼的楼梯,以及周围生长的植物。AANDH的合伙人阿米尔·夏尔马告诉我们他是如何构思这个空间的。“我们坚持使用天窗,因为我们希望住宅的中央脊柱有绿色,我们还为住宅设计了楼梯,连接三层楼。天窗为这个家提供了所需的自然光,也为绿色植物的生长提供了条件。”他补充道。“我们决定在院子里用金属建造整个楼梯,甚至从楼板的一些平台上悬挑起来,用木头覆盖整个楼梯,使它看起来像一座雕塑。”为了进一步提升庭院的外观和现代楼梯设计,设计团队决定在双层覆盖区域增加水景和瀑布。这在庭院附近产生了一种异想天开的效果。 “We decided to clad all the walls in natural stone and the ceiling of the house in teakwood which added a lot of warmth and made our sculptural staircase even more special,” says Sharma. The home is very warm yet minimal in its decor that revolves around the sculptural staircase surrounded by shade-loving, indoor plants. It took Sharma and his team 18 months to complete this project and the result is nothing but stunning.
