
看看这些简单易行的泡菜食谱吧。图片来源:Likhitha/ Getty Images


Khimchi Style Pickle由Rahul Akerkar(灵感来自厨师Tarang Joshi的母亲的神田kairi kachumber),创始人和管理合伙人,Qualia



  1. 黄瓜洗净,剪去末端。去籽切成棒状。放入不锈钢碗中,撒上盐。静置20分钟。轻轻冲洗,然后沥干。2.在腌黄瓜的同时,做腌料。3.将所有腌料放入搅拌机或食品加工机中,搅拌至光滑。4. Add mango strips, scallion, coconut and salted cucumber to a stainless steel mixing bowl. Add in the marinade and stir until everything is well coated. 5. Put the marinated mixture tightly in sanitised mason jars (750 gm capacity), including any leftover liquid in the bowl and cover with lids. 6. Let it sit out in a cool spot at room temperature for 24 hours. Then refrigerate 48 hours before eating. It will keep releasing liquid as it ferments into a kimchi-style pickle. The pickle lasts 4-6 weeks in refrigerator. That is if you don't eat it all at once!

泡菜(照片是代表性的)。图片来源:Westend61/ Getty Images

柠檬泡菜,主厨Sarfaraz Ahmed, Trèsind孟买


产品说明:1。把所有的柠檬切成四瓣,每个柠檬的底部都连着(打开的时候看起来像一朵花)。2.在每个柠檬中倒入1汤匙盐。3.烧开一些水降温。4.在玻璃罐底部撒上一些盐,开始把每个柠檬一个接一个地放在罐子里,用力打碎。放柠檬的时候,在层与层之间放一点盐。5. Add the peppercorns and bay leaves (or any other spice of your choice). 6. Put the remaining salt on the top and lastly pour the boiled and cooled water to cover the lemons and seal it tightly. 8. Keep it in a cool and dry place. 9. Open the lid everyday to release fermentation gases for 8 to 10 days. 10. Store the lemon in refrigerator and it will be ready to use within a month.

酒店和食品顾问Reetu Uday Kugaji的作品Kathal ka Achaar


方法:1。菠萝蜜去皮,切成所需厚度的圆形。把圆形切成两半,去掉中间粗的茎,然后切成方块。2.将菠萝蜜块放入加少许姜黄的水中煮沸。煮到3/4熟。3.沥干水分,晾晒5-6小时。4.当它们完全没有水分时,涂抹干燥的盐、红辣椒粉、姜黄粉、粗磨的芥末籽、胡芦巴粉和阿斯菲提达的混合物。 5. Transfer the pickle in a sterilised jar. Cling wrap / tie the top of the jar with a muslin cloth and set aside for 5 days ensuring that you stir it at least once a day. 6. Heat the mustard oil till it is very hot. Cool it completely and pour over the jackfruit. Ensure that there should be enough oil so that all the ingredients immerse in it completely. 7. Set aside for 4 days before consuming.

Kathal ka Achaar

盐酸Amla泡菜由Kartikeya Ratan行政主厨,珀奇


  1. 去籽后切大块。2.把盐、糖和胡椒粉混合在一个碗里,然后用搅拌机搅拌,使其充分混合。3.在一个大的,干净的托盘里,按摩它到阿姆拉,用保鲜膜包裹它。4.让它在50°C的烤箱中晒干或半干30分钟。5.储存在一个干净,干燥的玻璃罐中,有密封的盖子,用保鲜膜或铝箔压紧。6. It should be ready to eat in 2-3 days of curing.


盐和酸阿姆拉泡菜(照片是代表性的)。图片来源:Hemant Mehta/ Getty Images

阳光浸泡阿育吠陀夏季泡菜shubendu Kadam,行政主厨,达拉那在Shillim



  1. 将所有原料混合在一个干净密封的玻璃瓶中。2.摇匀。将瓶子放在阳光下5天,每天摇一次。3.保存在冰箱中


克什米尔混合蔬菜泡菜由家庭厨师Jasleen Marwah

材料:混合时令或现成蔬菜切碎1/2公斤。(胡萝卜、豆类、花椰菜、莲藕、苤蓝菜、芜菁)。一把蒜瓣(可选)2杯芥末油1个洋葱,纵向切片1 / 2茶匙晒(干姜粉)2茶匙桑芙粉(可选)1茶匙兴粉1汤匙整条桑芙2茶匙加拉姆马萨拉粉2茶匙粗磨的芥末籽(rai) 2至3茶匙克什米尔红辣椒粉1汤匙现磨的粉适量盐

产品说明:1。所有蔬菜去皮切丁。把它们铺在厨房布或报纸上晾干。2.将芥子油加热至冒烟点,然后冷却。3.现在加入香料,然后是大蒜、洋葱和所有蔬菜。4.搅拌均匀后放入罐子中。5. Keep in sunlight for 2 to 3 days. Check for salt by the end of day 1. Add more if required. The veggies will have a crunch to them. Note: In the same way you can do a combination of different vegetables or even just one vegetable.

