Mira Nair带我们走进期待已久的Netflix系列《合适的男孩》的幕后


诗人兼作家维克拉姆·塞斯1993年的小说《合适的男孩》就不需要介绍了。这是一个永恒的故事,它生活在传统与现代、政治与宗教、爱与冲突之间。由独特的电影制作人米拉·奈尔(Mira Nair)改编的电影将其带入生活,AD将看看电影和设计细节,构建这个迷人的20世纪50年代的印度世界。影片采用了经典的广告风格,配有一篇开篇文章和导演手写的注释Mira Nair。女士们先生们,我们正在拍摄《合适的男孩》。


我们的故事穿越了高低不平的世界。亮度,颜色,生命,性感,蜡染。以Anoushka Shankar的锡塔琴为坚实的基础,音乐是印度声音的万花筒:河上船夫的歌声;果阿摇摆的舞蹈乐队;迦利伯、达、米尔的迦萨人;别忘了,还有印度大学版的莎士比亚!



Prem Nivas和Pran Kapoor的家


Mehfil Barkhaast Hui




《合适的男孩》由米拉·奈尔、维克拉姆·塞斯和安德鲁·戴维斯担任执行制片;《瞭望台》的Faith Penhale, Laura Lankester和Will Johnston;Lydia Dean Pilcher和Aradhana Seth(他们也是制片人);莫娜·库雷希为您报道。制作设计师斯蒂芬妮·卡罗尔。服装设计Arjun Bhasin。这部六集的电视剧由BBC工作室发行,并将在Netflix上播出。


“所以你在为即将到来的选举培养农村选民?”马赫什·卡普尔笑了。从1937年起,他就一直站在老布拉姆普尔中心的同一个城市选区,这个选区包括了Misri Mandi的大部分地区,Misri Mandi是城市鞋业的大本营。尽管他有自己的农场,对农村事务也很了解——他是废除该州大量低效土地所有权法案的主要推动者——但难以想象他会放弃自己的选区,而选择从农村选区竞选。作为回答,他指了指他的衣服;他穿的漂亮的黑色阿奇坎,紧实的灰白色睡衣,还有绣得漂亮的白色朱蒂,脚趾向上翘起,在稻田里呈现出一幅不协调的画面。“唉,政治上没有什么是不可能的,”沙尔马吉慢慢地说。“废除扎明达里法案通过后,你将成为乡村的英雄。如果你愿意,你可以成为首席部长。为什么不呢?' said Sharmaji generously and warily. He looked around, and his eye fell on the Nawab Sahib of Baitar, who was stroking his beard and looking around perplexedly. ‘Of course, you might lose a friend or two in the process,' he added. Mahesh Kapoor, who had followed his glance without turning his head, said quietly: ‘There are zamindars and zamindars. Not all of them tie their friendship to their land. The Nawab Sahib knows that I am acting out of principle.' He paused, and continued: ‘Some of my own relatives in Rudhia stand to lose their land.' The Chief Minister nodded at the sermon, then rubbed his hands, which were cold. ‘Well, he is a good man,' he said indulgently. ‘And so was his father,' he added. Mahesh Kapoor was silent. The one thing Sharmaji could not be called was rash; and yet here was a rash statement if ever there was one. It was well known that the Nawab Sahib's father, the late Nawab Sahib of Baitar, had been an active member of the Muslim League; and though he had not lived to see the birth of Pakistan, that above all was what he had dedicated his life to. The tall, grey-bearded Nawab Sahib, noticing four eyes on him, gravely raised his cupped hand to his forehead in polite salutation, then tilted his head sideways with a quiet smile, as if to congratulate his old friend.

婚礼的另一位主要主持人是新郎的父亲Mahesh Kapoor先生,他是普尔瓦邦的税收部长。事实上,婚礼就在他那座C形、奶油色的两层大房子里举行。这座房子位于古老的、人口最稠密的城市布拉姆布尔(Brahmpur)最安静、最绿色的住宅区。


帝国书库是城里最好的两家书店之一,它位于Nabiganj,这条时尚的街道是迷宫般的小巷和古老杂乱的老婆罗门布尔街区之前的最后一道现代化壁垒。尽管它离学校有几英里远,但它比离学校只有几分钟路程的大学联合书店更受学生和老师的欢迎。帝国书库由两兄弟经营,亚什旺特和巴尔旺特,他们几乎都不懂英语,但他们都精力充沛,富有创业精神,显然没有什么不同。他们有城里最好的存货,而且对顾客非常乐于助人。如果书店里没有一本书,他们就让顾客自己把书的名字写在相应的订购单上。一名贫困的大学生每周两次受雇将新到货分类到指定的货架上。由于书店以其学术和普通库存而自豪,老板们毫不羞耻地邀请那些闲逛进来浏览的大学老师,让他们喝杯茶,看几本出版商的书单,让他们在他们认为书店应该考虑订购的书单上打个号。这些老师很乐意确保他们的学生能够随时获得课程所需的书籍。他们中的许多人对大学和联合书店的顽固、冷漠、反应迟钝和专横的方式感到不满。下课后,拉塔和马拉蒂都穿着平常穿的salwaar-kameez便服,去Nabiganj闲逛,在蓝色多瑙河咖啡馆喝杯咖啡。 This activity, known to university students as ‘ganjing', they could afford to indulge in about once a week. As they passed the Imperial Book Depot, they were drawn magnetically in. Each wandered off to her favourite shelves and subjects. Malati headed straight for the novels, Lata went for poetry.

白佳田在普里姆尼瓦斯演唱后的第二天是星期天。洒红节的轻松气氛仍在弥漫。曼无法将她从脑海中抹去。他迷迷糊糊地走来走去。他安排在下午早些时候把她的风琴送到她家,他很想自己上车。但这不是去看望白笠枝的时候——不管怎么说,白笠枝并没有向他表示过愿意再次见到他。曼没有这样的事可做。这是他的问题之一。在巴纳拉斯,有些事情让他忙得不可开交;在布拉姆布尔,他总是觉得自己无所事事。 He didn't really mind, though. Reading was not something he enjoyed much, but he did like wandering around with friends. Perhaps he should visit Firoz, he thought. Then, thinking of the ghazals of Mast, he jumped into a tonga, and told the tonga-wallah to take him to the Barsaat Mahal. It had been years since Maan had been there, and the thought of seeing it appealed to him today. The tonga passed through the green residential ‘colonies' of the eastern part of Brahmpur, and came to Nabiganj, the commercial street that marked the end of spaciousness and the start of clutter and confusion. Old Brahmpur lay beyond it, and, almost at the western end of the old town, on the Ganga itself, stood the beautiful grounds and the still more beautiful marble structure of the Barsaat Mahal. Nabiganj was the fashionable shopping street where the quality of Brahmpur were to be seen strolling up and down of an evening. At the moment, in the heat of the afternoon, there were not many shoppers about, and only a few cars and tongas and bicycles. The signs of Nabiganj were painted in English, and the prices matched the signs. Bookshops like the Imperial Book Depot, well-stocked general stores such as Dowling & Snapp (now under Indian management), fine tailors such as Magourian's where Firoz had all his clothes (from suits to achkans) made, the Praha shoe shop, an elegant jeweller's, restaurants and coffee houses such as the Red Fox, Chez Yasmeen, and the Blue Danube, and two cinema halls—Manorma Talkies (which showed Hindi films) and the Rialto (which leaned towards Hollywood and Ealing): each of these places had played some minor or major role in one or another of Maan's romances. But today, as the tonga trotted through the broad street, Maan paid them no attention. The tonga turned off on to a smaller road, and almost immediately on to a yet smaller one, and they were now in a different world. There was just enough room for the tonga to get through among the bullock-carts, rickshaws, cycles and pedestrians who thronged both the road and the pavement—which they shared with barbers plying their trade out of doors, fortune tellers, flimsy tea-stalls, vegetable-stands, monkey-trainers, ear-cleaners, pickpockets, stray cattle, the odd sleepy policeman sauntering along in faded khaki, sweat-soaked men carrying impossible loads of copper, steel rods, glass or scrap paper on their backs as they yelled ‘Look out! Look out!' in voices that somehow pierced through the din, shops of brassware and cloth (the owners attempting with shouts and gestures to entice uncertain shoppers in), the small carved stone entrance of the Tinny Tots (English Medium) School which opened out on to the courtyard of the reconverted haveli of a bankrupt aristocrat, and beggars—young and old, aggressive and meek, leprous, maimed or blinded—who would quietly invade Nabiganj as evening fell, attempting to avoid the police as they worked the queues in front of the cinema halls. Crows cawed, small boys in rags rushed around on errands (one balancing six small dirty glasses of tea on a cheap tin tray as he weaved through the crowd), monkeys chattered in and bounded about a great shivering-leafed pipal tree and tried to raid unwary customers as they left the well-guarded fruit-stand, women shuffled along in anonymous burqas or bright saris, with or without their menfolk, a few students from the university lounging around a chaat-stand shouted at each other from a foot away either out of habit or in order to be heard, mangy dogs snapped and were kicked, skeletal cats mewed and were stoned, and flies settled every- where: on heaps of foetid, rotting rubbish, on the uncovered sweets at the sweetseller's in whose huge curved pans of ghee sizzled delicious jalebis, on the faces of the sari-clad but not the burqa-clad women, and on the horse's nostrils as he shook his blinkered head and tried to forge his way through Old Brahmpur in the direction of the Barsaat Mahal.

马安到达巴尔萨特·玛哈尔的时候已经是晚上了,场地上并不拥挤。他穿过边界墙上的拱形入口,穿过外面的场地,这是一种公园,大部分地方都覆盖着干草和灌木丛。几只羚羊在一棵大楝树下觅食,当他走近时,它们懒洋洋地跳开了。内墙较低,拱形入口不那么壮观,更精致。黑色石头上的《古兰经》诗句和彩色石头上大胆的几何图案镶嵌在大理石立面上。和外墙一样,内墙也沿着矩形的三面延伸。第四个面是双方共同的:从一个只有栏杆保护的石头平台上,一个陡峭的瀑布,下面是恒河的水。在内门和河之间是著名的花园和小巧玲珑的宫殿。花园本身既是园艺的胜利,也是几何学的胜利。事实上,除了茉莉花和深红色、香气浓郁的印度玫瑰之外,现在种植的花朵不太可能与两个多世纪前计划种植的花朵相同。 What few flowers remained now looked exhausted from the daily heat. But the well-tended, well-watered lawns, the great, shady neem trees dispersed symmetrically about the grounds, and the narrow sandstone strips that divided the flower beds and lawns into octagons and squares provided an island of calm in a troubled and crowded town. Most beautiful of all was the small, perfectly shaped pleasure-palace of the Nawabs of Brahmpur, set in the exact centre of the inner gardens, a filigreed jewel box of white marble, its spirit compounded equally of extravagant dissipation and architectural restraint. In the days of the Nawabs, peacocks used to roam the grounds, and their raucous voices would on occasion compete with the musical entertainments laid on for those reclining and declining rulers: a performance by dancing girls, a more serious performance of khyaal by a court musician, a poetry competition, a new ghazal by the poet Mast.


2014年由aleph图书公司授权出版。版权所有©vikram Seth 19932014。

